In the Go language ecosystem, swagger parses and generates response document files through code comments. Understanding response comment techniques can help you write easy-to-understand interface documents.
In an interface service, the interface document is an indispensable part to some extent. As a very famous document generation tool in the open source world, Swagger
should probably be known to you. When Go-Sail is started, it will decide whether to start the Swagger document based on the configuration file, and the process of generating the document needs to be handled by the developer himself. Below we give some simple examples to help you get started quickly.
First you need to install the following dependencies.
go get -u github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/[email protected]
npm i -g @redocly/cli@latest
Code comments
package request
import (
// GetUserInfoReqVo 获取用户信息请求参数
// swagger: model
type GetUserInfoReqVo struct {
UserID int64 `json:"userId" form:"userId" validate:"required"` // 用户id
func (v GetUserInfoReqVo) Validator() (constants.ICodeType, error) {
if v.UserID < 1 {
return constants.ErrRequestParamsInvalid, fmt.Errorf("field [userId], value:{%d} is invalid", v.UserID)
return constants.ErrNone, nil
package response
import (
modelsEnum "github.com/keepchen/go-sail/v3/examples/pkg/common/enum/models"
// GetUserInfoAckVo 获取用户信息返回数据结构
// swagger: model
type GetUserInfoAckVo struct {
// 数据体
// in: body
// required: true
Data struct {
User UserInfo `json:"user"`
Wallet WalletInfo `json:"wallet"`
} `json:"data" format:"object"`
// UserInfo 用户基础信息数据结构
// swagger: model
type UserInfo struct {
UserID int64 `json:"userId" validate:"required"` // 用户id
// 用户昵称
// in: body
// required: true
Nickname string `json:"userInfo" validate:"required"`
// 账号状态
// UserStatusCodeNormal = UserStatusCode(0) //正常
// UserStatusCodeForbidden = UserStatusCode(1) //禁用
// in: body
// required: true
Status modelsEnum.UserStatusCode `json:"status" enums:"0,1" validate:"required"`
// GetUserInfoAckVo 钱包信息数据结构
// swagger: model
type GetUserInfoAckVo struct {
// 账户余额
// in: body
// required: true
Amount float64 `json:"amount" validate:"required"`
// 钱包状态
// WalletStatusCodeNormal = WalletStatusCode(0) //正常
// WalletStatusCodeForbidden = WalletStatusCode(1) //禁用
// in: body
// required: true
Status modelsEnum.WalletStatusCode `json:"status" enums:"0,1" validate:"required"`
func (v GetUserInfoAckVo) GetData() interface{} {
return v.Data
var _ dto.IResponse = &GetUserInfoAckVo{}
package routes
import (
mdlw "github.com/keepchen/go-sail/v3/http/middleware"
// RegisterRoutes 注册路由
func RegisterRoutes(r *gin.Engine) {
r.GET("/actuator/health", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.String(http.StatusOK, "%s", "ok")
allowHeaders := map[string]string{
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Authorization, Content-Type, Content-Length, Some-Other-Headers",
r.Use(mdlw.LogTrace(), mdlw.PrintRequestPayload(), mdlw.WithCors(allowHeaders), gzip.Gzip(gzip.DefaultCompression))
apiGroup := r.Group("/api/v1")
apiGroup.GET("/say-hello", handler.SayHello)
userGroup := apiGroup.Group("/user")
userGroup.Use(middleware.AuthCheck()).GET("/info", handler.GetUserInfo)
package handler
import (
// GetUserInfo 获取用户信息
// @Tags user / 用户相关
// @Summary user-info / 获取用户信息
// @Description 获取用户信息
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Accept application/json
// @Produce json
// @Param query query request.GetUserInfoReqVo true "查询参数"
// @Success 200 {object} response.GetUserInfoAckVo
// @Failure 400 {object} dto.Error400
// @Failure 500 {object} dto.Error500
// @Router /user/info [get]
func GetUserInfo(c *gin.Context) {
package service
import (
func SayHelloSvc(c *gin.Context) {
var (
form request.SayHelloReqVo
resp response.SayHelloAckVo
if err := c.ShouldBind(&form); err != nil {
sail.Response(c).Assemble(constants.ErrRequestParamsInvalid, nil).Send()
if errorCode, err := form.Validator(); err != nil {
sail.Response(c).Assemble(errorCode, nil, err.Error()).Send()
var nickname string
if len(form.Nickname) == 0 {
nickname = "go-sail"
} else {
nickname = form.Nickname
resp.Data = fmt.Sprintf("hello, %s", nickname)
sail.Response(c).Assemble(constants.ErrNone, resp).Send()
Generate commands
swag init --dir pkg/app/order \
--output pkg/app/order/http/docs \
--parseDependency --parseInternal \
--generalInfo order.go && \
redoc-cli bundle pkg/app/order/http/docs/*.yaml -o pkg/app/order/http/docs/docs.html
After modifying the response path as needed, execute the generate command and the document content will be generated.
The above code example can be found in the source file: github.com/keepchen/go-sail.
Copy for redocly
In the document page generated by the Redocly tool, there is no button that can quickly copy the interface route, so we provide a plug-in that can inject the copy button into the generated html file. You can use it like this:
node plugins/redocly/redocly-copy.js pkg/app/user/http/docs/*.html
The source code of this tool can be found here: github.com/keepchen/go-sail.
You can integrate the above commands into the Makefile, which can greatly improve usage efficiency.
# swag version >= 1.8.4
# go get -u github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/[email protected]
@echo "+ $@"
@$(if $(SWAG), , \
$(error Please install swag cli, using go: "go get -u github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/[email protected]"))
@$(if $(REDOCCLI), , \
$(error Please install redoc cli, using npm or yarn: "npm i -g @redocly/cli@latest"))
swag init --dir pkg/app/user \
--output pkg/app/user/http/docs \
--parseDependency --parseInternal \
--generalInfo user.go && \
redoc-cli bundle pkg/app/user/http/docs/*.yaml -o pkg/app/user/http/docs/docs.html && \
node plugins/redocly/redocly-copy.js pkg/app/user/http/docs/*.html
You can find a more complete example here.